The costs were estimated at 251 MILLION pounds (June 2022)
NOW (November 2023) £273.9MILLION pounds without planning permission and without the funding in place!
NOW (November 2023) £273.9MILLION pounds without planning permission and without the funding in place!
With the release of the latest NCC publicity film and 'roadshow' (August 2022) showing how they say the road will look (if it goes ahead), we took a trip along the recently completed (2018) Broadland Northway (NDR) to see the REALITY. Many of the 5 year old saplings planted to replace 100 year old trees are already dead or dying. The concrete infrastructure is crumbling. The 'Drainage Ponds' that "...will provide new habitat for a number of species..." are used for rubbish tipping.
This lesser spotted washing machine first seen in May, was STILL THERE in August 2022 ! recently joined by NCC cones it STILL there?
This council is incapable of looking after existing roads and infrastructure, without building more.
This council is incapable of looking after existing roads and infrastructure, without building more.